Clearing land by cloven hoof on the Sound To Olympics Trail
They came spilling out of the trailer in twos and threes, tentative at first, squinting into the sudden sunlight and a little unsure of the new terrain.
Then they saw green.
Then it was a pell-mell rush toward the sprawling buffet of a vacant lot at High School Road and SR305. The salad bar was open. The goats would be first in line.
“They’re happy. They’re doing what goats are designed to do,” said Tammy Dunakin of Vashon-based Rent-A-Ruminant, as her goats set about denuding the landscape. “They’re designed to eat ‘browse’ – not feed or hay, that’s not their main thing. They love to climb, and they love new things because they’re very smart and very inquisitive.
“This kind of meets all those things that they love.”
The menu on the one-acre lot next to the Chevron station featured nuisance plants like ivy and blackberry, along with various scrub […]