Thanks to all who joined us at Picnic For Parks this past Saturday. What a wonderful summer evening for a picnic!

We packed the picnics, you picked the parks, and our special green baskets turned up in parks all across the island. We’re grateful for all of the compliments we’ve heard from our picnickers. It was a special evening for our parks, and a memorable one. 

This great fundraiser helps the Bainbridge Island Parks Foundation accomplish all the great things we have going on in Bainbridge parks: Summer Trails Crew, the soon-to-open KidsUp! Playground, stewardship at Blakely Harbor, Moritani Preserve and so many others. Thank you again. 

And the great reviews are rolling in:

“We had a great night and the food was amazing! Thanks so much! Enjoyed our meal down at Fort Ward! Perfect weather!”

“Great fun!!  We played games too. No one had been to this park either. When I got home, there was a picnic breaking up at Red Pine. What a great concept. Kudos!”

“The first park was full, so we set off to one of our faves – the Fairy Dell Trail – to try and sneak down to the water at the little hidden beach there. Unfortunately, the tide was way too high, so we got a glamor shot of the basket and headed back for the car. What we did get to experience though was exactly what the point of this whole exercise is… We enjoyed a lovely walk on a quiet, wooded trail surrounded by old-growth trees bathed in the golden orange evening sunshine. It was truly fantastic. Thanks for inspiring us to go!”

“Thank you! Loved the picnic basket hampers!!! This was a great idea that I hope becomes an annual tradition.”
“Just wanted to say thanks again for the ‘Picnic For Parks.’ Although we didn’t actually end up eating in the park, our attempt was well worth it. The forest (one of my favs) was ablaze with the rich golden light of the setting sun.  It was gorgeous. And the picnic…  It was delicious!  It’s been a long while since I’ve had anything so ‘gourmet’ and I loved all the flavor explosions happening.  It was a fun experience –  I’d definitely give the new Picnic for Parks idea two thumbs up.” 
Miss Picnic For Parks? Sign up for our monthly newsletter for upcoming Parks Foundation events – and while you’re here, make a gift to the parks and trails you love.