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The conference will include speakers on a wide variety of topics surrounding electrification and conservation as tools for reducing our community carbon footprint and improving public health. We will hear from policy experts discussing the landscape of regulations and funding to help us at federal and local levels in making the transition towards electrifying and reducing energy use, as well as discuss the practicalities of what electrification looks like, hearing from homeowners and local organizations who have made these transitions.

Admission: $5 (free for students)

Keynote Speaker: Brian Stewart

Go Electric! The benefits of home electrification

Brian Stewart is a co-founder of Electrify Now, an organization devoted to educating energy consumers and homeowners about how electrification makes our lives healthier and more comfortable and dramatically lowers carbon emissions and energy bills.   By adopting clean energy and electric solutions, we can all accelerate the world to a more just and sustainable future. Brian has over 30 years of experience in product design, engineering, manufacturing and sustainability.  He held many leadership roles at Nike Inc. including Vice President of Sustainable Innovation.

For the expo component of this event, beginning at 1pm, the Woodward Commons will host a wide variety of vendors and services that support electrification and conservation, including

  • HVAC services
  • Solar installers
  • Electric Vehicles and EV infrastructure
  • Electric Bikes
  • Electricians
  • Landscaping Equipment
  • Induction Ranges

….and more!